You have shown us the places of your many deaths
We are also desperate to read a bouquet of your resurrection poems
—Siphokazi Jonas
This voice wears song
This song wears praise
In celebration of another day
I stand as she who darkness could not break
Made from substance fire could not bend
This praise adorns itself with breath
Life is the ultimate praise
Come sit at this ample table
Feed on this feast
of bliss and glee
This breath holds poetry
And the hope of all beautiful things
The faith in wonders this world is yet to bring
There is much to see and it will be a jiving of the eyes
It will taste like ecstasy,
medicine to the bones
The kind of balm that stays in your joints
and next time you feel like a corpse, it reminds you that this is a living body
You have shown yourself the places of your many deaths
Aren´t you desperate to write a resurrection poem?
Aren´t you desperate to be a resurrection poem?
Aren´t you desperate to live in resurrection?