Wiki Luanda

jaliyaProjects, Wiki LuandaLeave a Comment

I am very excited to have joined forces with Pamina Sebastião to create Wiki Luanda.

Wiki Luanda is an Angolan initiative that seeks to create visibility and representation of marginalized figures from African countries on Wikipedia, with a special focus on Portuguese-speaking African countries.

We want to build a community that engages with Wikimedia projects and thinks thoughtfully about issues such as representation, restitution, and archiving. Luanda is in much need of a space like this…

We have teamed up with Wiki Editoras LX and the Black Lunch Table for some much needed guidance in taking the first steps towards building a Wikipedia community.

I am very much looking forward to the first event we´re hosting somewhere in the second half of the year and look forward to the possibilities this project will create.

Bantumen, a digital platform which seeks to reflect the black culture of the global Portuguese speaking community, had a chat with Pamina and penned down this article with some introductory lines about the project: Wikiluanda, a Reparação Histórico-cultural na Wikipédia.

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